Meter Repairs

Meter Repair FAQs


How does East Dillon Water read my water meter?

The meter reading system used by the district consists of three main components: 1) a meter body, 2) a register which sits atop the meter body and records water usage, and 3) a Meter Transmitting Unit, or MTU, which transmits meter readings to the meter reading software used by the district.


Can I see my water meter readings online?

Currently it is not possible for individual customers to access the meter reading system.  The meter reading system is only accessible by district administration and operations staff for billing and water use reporting purposes.


Why does my water bill say “Estimated”?

District administration will estimate water usage for a customer when we are unable to obtain a valid meter reading.  The district’s inability to read a meter is caused by the failure of one or more of the three main meter components which consists of the meter body, the register, and the Meter Transmitting Unit (MTU).


How does the district estimate water consumption?

In most cases, the district will use water usage information from the same quarter of the previous year.  District administration staff consider this method to be the most reasonable and fair method of estimating water usage when meter readings are not available.


My meter hasn’t worked for a long time.  Why is it taking so long to get a repair scheduled?

District staff has been repairing meters as time and materials permit.  Global supply chain issues have made getting MTUs and registers difficult, sometime taking more than a year for delivery.  The district does not have current contact information for many customers which also slows down the scheduling process.  Customers can help by emailing current phone and email information to billing@eastdillon.com.


What will it cost me to have the meter repaired?

In most cases the meter repair will not cost the customer any money.  In some cases, if the meter failure is determined to be the fault of the customer, the district will have to charge the customer for parts and labor.  The most common example of this is inadequate protection against the meter freezing and breaking.


How long does a meter repair take?

Typically, a meter repair will take 15 to 20 minutes to replace the failed meter component and program the new parts.


Do I need to be present to have my meter repaired?

In most cases, water meters are located in a crawl space or mechanical room, so our meter technicians will need access to your home.  Although it is preferred to have someone present at the time of the repair, it is not required if it is more convenient for you to provide some means of access to the property to our meter technicians.